
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Love Critters - Volume 4

Maggie - formerly known as Mama Kitty.

The day we brought her home.
She was wearing a shirt to cover her belly from getting fixed.

Maggie appeared at my sister Laurie's house and took up residence in the barn.  There she had 5 or 6 litters of kittens before Laurie could catch her at the right time to get her spayed.  She's only 7+ lbs but easily produced huge litters of kittens who all ended up bigger than her.  She's sweet & lovable and totally demanding.

Randy is her person.  If he is sleeping in bed and is not laying on his back so she can perch on his chest, she will pace around the bed, stopping every few steps to stare & sniff at him.  And when he does roll over for her, she will step on me first - then launch herself over to him.

She is another of our expensive free critters.   She's had ear problems since day 1, when I took her to the vet & they treated her for ear mites.  Random fact - her ear wax is black!  Kind of freaked my vet out!  She also is on blood pressure medicine.  Last fall we were all going to the orchard to celebrate Angel's & my nephew Austin's birthdays.  We were in the car & I realized I'd left my camera inside.  As I walked thru the back door, I thought she was playing with something that got stuck under the baseboard heater.  Nooo, she was having convulsions!  I freaked!  It was the most horrible thing I'd ever seen!  It was Sunday, so I knew the vet wasn't in, but I had Angel call the office & got the emergency #.  I took her in & she obligingly had another seizure in the exam room.  Come to find out - she had a bladder infection, which raised her blood pressure, which caused the seizures.

She's fine now.  Spoiled.  She gets her medicine each night & she also gets a bit of canned food, too.  And let me tell you - she knows when it gets to be 7 PM!  I bet she's in there right now sitting by her bowl.

Skeeter - Volume 1
Chester - Volume 2
Jack - Volume 3