OMG - how did I miss this??? Ugh, I haven't blogged here much lately at all! Slackin.
Miss Angela & I went horseback riding at my sister's this past Sunday. It was a nice day for it!
First...let me take a selfie!
Now onto the goods!

Friend Makin’ Mondays
If you’ve taken part in Friend Makin’ Mondays before then you are familiar with the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to read and comment on a couple of other posts.
This week’s topic is ‘Feeling Fruity’
1. What is your favorite fruit? Aw man. This is a tough one. There's a bunch. Strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe. If I had to pick one, probably strawberries.
2. Is there a fruit that you really really don’t like? I don't like raspberries / blackberries. I hate the little nasty crunchy seeds!
3. If you could only drink one fruit juice for the rest of your life, what flavor would it be? Orange juice.
4. Tomatoes – fruit or vegetable? According to my WW leader - fruit.
5. How many portions of fruit do you eat a day? 2-3 usually. sometimes more, sometimes less.
6. if you were making a smoothie what fruits would you add? Strawberries and maybe some melon.
7. Are you allergic to any fruits? No. No allergies at all!
8. Do you have a favorite fruit recipe? Feel free to share the recipe with us. I make banana bread a lot to send to events that the hubby is volunteering at. Of course, it helps that a add some Malibu rum to it, too! I usually grab the first easy banana bread recipe I find online, but when I moosh up the bananas, I pour in the Malibu to make it slightly soupy. Then follow the recipe. The alcohol bakes off and leaves the lovely coconut flavor behind!
9. Do you have any fruits that are local to your area? Apples! There are some nice orchards around SE Michigan. And if you go up north (the finger region of the mitten) there are vineyards.
10. What is your favorite fruit pie? Apple
I would have written more, but I was up past midnight the past 2 nights and still having to be up at 5:30 is killer! Need to turn in - g'night!