Whew, this past weekend was crazy! Miss Angela had her second dance comp yesterday and it made for a long weekend! I'm proud that this set of judges liked her duet and they got second place in it! And first place? Another duet from our studio. So no hard feelings there!
Let me see what I remember - 5th place for small group tap, 3rd place for tap line, and for some reason I don't know small group jazz or hiphop or hiphop line. Doesn't matter - they did awesome! According to one of the moms....our studio took 30 dances...14 Platinum, 16 Gold, 12 Division High Scores, 9-1st Overalls, 5-2nd Overalls, 2-3rd Overalls, a 5th Overall, 14 cash awards & 4 specialty awards. Not too shabby!
And this weekend is the "regional qualifying competition" so this is gonna be a big one with lots of stress. Qualifying dances will go onto nationals and this is the first time their studio has attempted to go! Send good thoughts & much good mojo to them!
Pretty proud that I didn't graze off the food table all day. I did keep hitting the grapes & apples slices and didn't have too many Timbits. Did plenty of running back & forth to help with costumes and moral support and I did actually RUN from my car at the end of the parking lot in to the auditorium and back, since I forgot my keys to put her stuff away before awards. Nope. Still don't like it.
Now onto FMM!

If you’ve taken part in FMM before then you are familiar with the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links on Sarah's page too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to read and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
1. When you look out of your nearest window – what is the first color you see? Umm, it's rather late so it's dark out. And raining pretty hard. Lightning. But normally outside this window would be our half-dead cherry tree and part of a big maple. So blue (hopefully) sky, brownish gray branches and tiny green leaves.
2. How colorful was your last meal? Not very. I had a bowl of Life cereal and milk. A typical "I'm home alone and don't care" meal.
3. What color is your car/bike/main mode of transport? Green. I currently have a 2000 Ford Escort, but I'm hoping soon to honorably retire it and get a smallish SUV. I thought I had pics, but I only have the bad parts of it for my R for Rust post on the A-Z Challenge.
4. What color clothes are you wearing? a light blue St. Thomas shirt & gray yoga pants that I wore to the gym tonight.
5. If you have pets – what color are they? Jack is a tri-colored Beagle, Chester is an orange tabby and I think the term for Maddie is tortoiseshell. I have one huge black fish and several smaller silver ones.
6. What color is your hair? Naturally it's mud. I proudly dye it auburn.
7. What color ink do you prefer to write in? Blue
8. What color is your favorite sports team? Need I say more?
9. What color are your favorite pair of shoes? I just got a pair of "running" shoes since they're lighter for Zumba. They're black and pink with orange laces.
10. What is your favorite flower and if it comes in multiple colors what is your favorite color? Oh man. I have to choose 2. Soon, my light purple lilac and bright pink crabapple will be blooming - it's the most heavenly scent on my patio!
Love, love love these!!
I took this last spring.
Have a great week! I still have to write my A-Z reflections post! That'll be coming soon, I promise.