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Where I Live
1. Where do you currently live? Shelby Township, a suburb about 20 miles north of Detroit.
2. Have you lived in your current state throughout your entire life? No, but mostly. I did 8 years in the Navy, so I happily moved away for that. I came back to Michigan, but not the same place. I grew up in a small town where I graduated with the same people I went to kindergarten with. Very clique-y.
3. If you answered no to Question 1, then where else have you lived? In Orlando for 2 months for bootcamp. Pensacola FL for 4 months for school, then was stationed for over 2 years in Georgia on my first ship (which is now nothing but a fond memory - RIP USS Canopus AS34!) then I moved to California to report to my next ship - a slightly bigger one - the USS Abraham Lincoln CVN72 for just over another 2 years. We changed homeports from Alameda CA to Bremerton WA, and then I transferred to the Naval Base in Everett, WA for the remainder of my enlistment.
4. What is the coolest thing about your city/town? It's a nice place, nothing too special that I can think of. Some historical significance with the park at the end of my street used to have a race horse farm owned by the boxer Joe Louis and a restaurant that was also a stop on the Underground RR. There was a huge cedar tree that was planted prominently in the area called the Beacon Tree. There's an elementary school called Beacon Tree in it's honor.
5. Are there any holidays that your state goes all out to celebrate? Not so much holidays....we are avid sports fans here (not me personally - I just like the Wings!) There's a statue in Detroit called the Spirit of Detroit that wears a custom jersey whenever any of the sports teams make the playoffs. It got a Lions one for the first time in ages this year! And it gets a LOT of use out of the Red Wings jersey.
I have a picture of just the Spirit framed and it sits on the end table in the living room.
6. Describe your neighborhood (climate, scenery, etc.) Like I said. We're about 20 miles north of Detroit and within 40 miles of 2 different Canadian border crossings. Close proximity to both big cities & country. It's an older neighborhood, my house was built in 1940, as were most of the houses around. We have 2 season - winter & construction. Actually I love both spring & fall. I don't handle heat & humidity well.
7. What do you wish you could change most about the place you live? The roads. They suck. When I was driving my Escort (it's an elderly car, but perfect for the girl's first set of wheelz) there were times I actually thought it was going to break apart.
8. Describe your home. What’s your favorite thing about it? Ooo, I'm gonna have to dig deep for this one! The only time I take pics of the house is at Halloween! Hence the jack-o-lanterns on the step.
It's tiny. We have a big yard. The roof is new, so it doesn't leak. There is a shed in back for storage, as well as an add-on across the back of the 2 car garage (that a car has never been in) that's about 8 feet deep - so lots of room for my Halloween & Christmas decorations. Which is good since we don't have crap for storage inside!
9. Where do you shop for groceries? Sometimes Kroger, but mainly a little local place called Hollywood Market. They have a great meat counter.
10. What is your favorite regular activity in your city/town? Going to the park at the end of the street. From our back door, down the street and around the entire park & back is exactly 2 miles. There's a nice walking trail & nature center there. There's another park not far away also, that's more nature-y called Holland Ponds. There's a heron nesting area there and places to sit and watch if you remember binoculars!