Whew I was busy this weekend! Homecoming is finally over - Our Varsity team stomped the competition 40-8! And the dance sounded like more fun than anything I had ever experienced when I was in high school!
Shelby is technically wearing heels - those red tenny's have wedge heels built in.
Angel opted not to wear her hip-hop kombat boots. I'm sorta glad!
No, she's not a ham at all!
I'm slowly but surely getting ready for Halloween! I spent a lot of time dis-assembling part of the cemetery to mow the lawn, then reassembling it with more. I brought out the skeletons! They've been chilling on lawn chairs on the patio for probably 2 weeks.
Oh yeah, then wind happened. I heard it after we got in bed last night and mentally toured the cemetery and decided everything was OK. I'd forgotten about the sign with the cemetery name on it! The wind blew it over (again! ) and broke one of the legs off. Crap! I'd just fixed it from last year! Grrr.

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section over at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
A New Season
1. What is your favorite thing about Fall? Clearly Halloween! I also love the smell of fall and seeing the trees change colors, hearing them crunch.
2. It’s not Fall until…after the girl's birthday (9/28)
3. Apple cider or hot chocolate? I have some awesome mint hot chocolate from Trader Joes that is amazing. Cider is nice, but you need donuts with it. That's a bad trigger for me!
4. Share a happy Fall memory. Going to the orchard, hay rides, trick-or-treating. Also, my dad's funeral was 10/27/09. A sad time, yes. But while at the cemetery, as the workers closed the file cabinet door (he's in an above-ground crypt and that's how I think of it), the sun made it's only appearance of the day just for a brief moment, as if a door had opened & closed. That really made me happy.
5. Do you have any hobbies that are seasonally specific? Not really.
6. What do you miss most about Summer now that it’s officially over? Long days & sleeping with the windows open!
7. Do you prefer pumpkin pie or pecan pie? Pumpkin, no hesitation!
8. Do you suffer from allergies? Occasionally. My sinuses do act up sometimes when the weather changes. It sucks.
9. How do you celebrate Halloween? I'd love to throw a party, but my house is tiny. But my yard is big and I have Maple Grove Cemetery. No one else in the neighborhood decorates to the extent I do and the kids love it! Maybe this could be considered my seasonal hobby, even tho I prepare for it year-round? This year I'm also going on my first Witch Pub Crawl. It should be a lot of fun, even tho I'm not a big boozehound.
10. What is the biggest change that you expect to experience during this season? The day after Halloween when MGC goes away for the season. Its always a sad moment.