
Friday, February 22, 2013

13 in 13 update

Since I haven't updated in a while ya know!  This will be quick, since Randy's car decided to not want to run, and I have to go get him from work.  The co-worker he has carpooled with this week smokes & the smell gets to him after a while. Can't say that I blame him!   Then the cable to pop the hood has also chosen to freeze up so we can't open it!  He managed to get it home from work, after leaving it there 2 days.  But now it's a snowy blue lump in the driveway.  Guess what we're doing this weekend?

Anyway, we're getting dinner out of the deal.  There's both a Rainforest Cafe and Toby Keith's I Love This Bar & Grill near his work.  After spending an hour clearing wet & heavy snow from the driveway, I'm ready to eat!  I know - Make Good Choices, wherever we go!

1.  rededicate myself to WW - this I have to say isn't going too well. I refused to go to the meeting this week and get on the scale. I ate like a pig Monday at a co-workers bridal shower and since it was held in the conference room, there were still leftovers on Tuesday. Someone brought in this amazing grape desert, but it was NOT healthy in the slightest. And I did absolutely no extra exercise and even polished off all my extra weekly Points +2. UGLY!

2.  post eTools progress report weekly - it says me weight didn't change because I entered the same # as last week. I was just afraid I'd have a gain and then I would have cried.

3.  dust off my WAH DVDs - obviously no.

4.  use my new waist & arm / thigh trimmers while doing DVDs or Wii Fit - also a no.

5.  plan meals weekly - Not yet. I've tried but the thought of having chicken again was making me gag. I will have that made before I go grocery shopping tomorrow.

6.  eat more / new veggies every week - check!

7.  be a better blogger - I've had a case of the "Don't Wanna"s. (see #2 & #3) But I did get 2 posts written over at Random Ramblings - #399 & 400 to be exact!

8.  get my house de-cluttered - check! I didn't keep track of the # of days, but I did manage to get Miss Angels to clean her room before going to spend 2 nights at a friend's house (they're on winter break this week, so it kept her busy while I was at work) She was so excited to actually be able to walk into her room and spin around! Of course the carpet is gross. Ground in makeup & glitter & nail polish stains, etc. But nothing is suspect of being alive anymore!

9.  cut back on unnecessary spending (see #8) - somewhat. See post #399 over at RR.

10. find plans & designs for tomato cage trees / MGC fence / potion book - I found a couple $1 metal keys at Michael's that will look cool in my display.

11. work on RACES certification - nope


13.  wean myself off pop - progress! I'm getting so I don't even really want pop, except for that first morning can. That'll be the tough one to break!

Alrighty, have to go rescue my hubby, later!