
Monday, January 28, 2013

Friend Makin' Monday - Getting to know each other

Happy Monday!  Hope everyone had a great weekend.  Hubby got home just in time for dinner last night - he was up north doing radio stuff for a snow / road rally.  Surprisingly his furry shadow (aka Miss Maddie) didn't mug him.  In fact, I woke up during the night with her lying on my chest, sound asleep.
What a life!  This is why my bed didn't get made yesterday!

I also spent quite a bit of time preparing for the Blogging A-Z Challenge.  Sign ups are Wednesday!!  Basically your first post will have a topic that starts with A, next day B, etc. etc. I'm doing all 3 blogs so I needed to get ideas down on my little spreadsheet.  If I do it right, all my posts will be done & pre-scheduled before April! 

But now it's FMM time!

Now it’s that time…If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section over at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

Getting To Know Each Other

1. What is your favorite color? I like all colors.  But I look better wearing jewel tones like the darker reds / blues / greens.

2. Share one or more of your talents. My family all think I'm creative & crafty.  I do come up with some neat stuff, tho.

3. If you were spending the day getting to know someone new, where would you want to go?  Probably on a walk around the park or getting coffee at Tim Horton's.

4. What is your favorite meal?  probably the grilled sirloin & shrimp from Texas Roadhouse.

5. Do you prefer to text or talk?  Depends.  If it's just a quick note - text.  But actual conversation is good, too.

6. Share something about yourself that might surprise someone that you’re getting to know.  Hmm.  I was enlisted in the Navy for 8 years?  Heck, I have a tab with a whole list of stuff about me!

7. Do you color your hair? Yes.  My natural color is mud.

8. Do you wear glasses or contacts?  Yes.  I am blind as a bat without them!

9. What is your favorite breakfast food?  Omelets with bacon & hashbrowns.  Or grits with runny eggs.  Yum!

10. Would your friends say that you’re sarcastic?  Probably Yes.

11. Do you prefer salty or sweet?  Sweet.  Although if they came out with a chocolate covered Payday bar, I'd probably OD on them.

12. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?  face / eyes

13. What is the last movie you watched?  Saturday night I introduced my daughter to the joys of Top Gun - she enjoyed the volleyball scene in particular!  I took it as a walk down memory lane, since I spent 3 years stationed on an aircraft carrier.

14. Are you religious? I believe in God, but I can’t really call myself religious. (keeping Kenlie's answer)  I also occasionally find the need to pray - but it's usually for other people!

15. Are you a neat freak, a slob, or somewhere in between?  In between.  My house is cluttered (too much stuff and no place to put it!) but there are no dirty dishes or food left all over the place. I try to keep the kitchen counters cleared off and try to keep the clean laundry put away off the couch, since the dog likes to snuggle into it.

16. Share something from your bucket list that you hope to do someday. I want to visit all 50 states.

17. Are you a risk taker, or do you prefer to play it safe?  Hmm.  I used to be a real risk-taker all the time, but not so much anymore.

18. Have you ever worn braces?  Nope.  I probably should have, tho.

19. Would you rather spend an evening at a theater or at a club?  Back in my wild days, I'd say club since I love to dance.  Now I'm married to a guy who has no rhythm at all, so I'd have to go with theater.

20. If you could have three wishes, what would one of them be?   To be able to tear down & rebuild my house, my kid to do well in school & life, and for Randy & I both to live long, healthy lives.  Is that technically 6?  Oh well!

Have a great week!