
Sunday, November 20, 2011

And then I forgot!

Yeah, I forgot to post about my weigh in.  It's been crazy for a while & next week will be again!

Thursday was just crazy.  My last post explained that one.  Friday morning, Randy finally got on the road for Arkansas.  The girl & I didn't do a whole lot.  We watched a movie & vegged.  Saturday I went to another craft show with Mom & the sisters.  Then as soon as I got home, I had to get Angel from dance and then meet at the high school to help carpool the JV dance team to another school to watch the Varsity team compete and also get a peek at the teams they'll be competing against.  That was pretty interesting.  But it was pretty late when we got home.  Today we went to see Breaking Dawn and then to get an oil change in the car and to go grocery shopping for Thanksgiving, since I won't have time the rest of the week!

I made the mistake of signing up with the girl to be part of the Detroit Lions Half-Time show on Thanksgiving.  I call it a mistake because we have to be there both Monday & Tuesday from 5-9 PM for rehearsal and then 3-9 for dress rehearsal on Wednesday!   I literally will get home from work, change, grab the cooler & have to leave again.  It takes about 45 minutes to an hour to get to Ford Field from my house.  She, along with probably 10 other girls from their studio and 100 or so kids from other studios will be dancing on the field while Nickleback does their thing.

I will be in "the Mosh Pit" with an unknown number of other adults. It's not going to be the head-banging, body-slamming, crowd-surfing chaotic mess that those words bring to mind.....2 years ago at the Thanksgiving Motown Tribute it was located in one section of the bleachers behind a small stage, so when the TV cameras zoomed in on the stage, you can see the people in the Pit doing the same hand motions as the kids on the field.  It looked quite awesome.

So anyway, on Thanksgiving Day, my sister Linda is coming by early to get pick up my contributions to the feast to take to sister Laurie's house where we will probably stay until Saturday morning or so.  We have to pile on buses and leave Ford Field as soon as the half-time show is over, so we probably won't even get to Laurie's until 4ish or so.  I guess that's good that it will cut down on the snacking!

So yeah.  I still have Halloween gels things on my windows and a pile of laundry to fold, but it's all going to have to wait!

So anyway, I lost 2.4 lbs of the 3 I gained last week.  Yay!  That is a step in the right direction!  And everyone loved my little quilted pocket guide cover!  I really need to get back to staying for the meetings.  It just is so convenient to pick the girl up from ballet and go straight to WI, then home - using her as my excuse not to stay for the meeting.  It's really not out of the way to take her home first.  It's just an excuse.  I am just so tired right now that I don't even really care what I do over Thanksgiving.  I promise I won't be a total glutton!

So I probably won't get to post any until next weekend, so HAPPY THANKSGIVING !!!!