
Thursday, September 15, 2011

9/15/11 "A Magical Week"


A rather pleasant surprise after playing hooky last week!  I was feeling less than optimistic when I went in to the meeting tonight, but now I'm pretty happy!

I think I had a sign to get back on the ball.   I got one of the weekly WW emails Monday & it was about following the plan 100% for one week.  I didn't read the email, but that subject line lingered in the back of my mind.  Last night I decided to give it a try.  When I had a few minutes at work today, I read the email & also broke out this little notebook I got like 2 months ago and wrote down the P+ values for the items I most commonly order from fast food joints (I am a self-proclaimed Tim Horton's addict. Damn those Canadians anyway!!)  I plan to carry this around in my purse for tracking when I'm not near a computer.

Then I went in for the meeting tonight & it was about the same thing!  9 steps to having a "Magical Week".
(yeah - we got notecards, so I'm looking at mine)
1. Track track track !!!!
2. Exercise
3. Portion correctly
4. Power foods - 75% of the day's food should be these
5. Good Health Guidelines
6. Weekly P+ allowance - don't be afraid to use them!
7. Confirm P+ values on favorite foods
8. Stick to daily P+ target
9. Drink water 

I really needed that reminder of the GHGs.  I can't remember the last time I intentionally consumed oils, other than when I occasionally use it for cooking.  I used to simply dump the 2 teaspoons in my oatmeal in the morning!  Tomorrow, I will do that again.

Carol, my leader, also suggested planning for your success story.   
Envision yourself at your goal  Think about how you'll look and imagine how you'll feel.
Remember what your turning point was. Mine was stepping on the scale at the doctor's office and seeing 270 lbs!!  It really opened my eyes.
Surround yourself with positive people.  People who support your goals & won't sabotage your efforts.
Plan for new priorities.  She didn't really explain this one.  I take it to mean that my priorities should be for a long life and good health. 

This is my wagon.  
I am back on my wagon and my butt is firmly strapped in.