I had a good birthday yesterday! Randy and I went to Downtown Detroit and did some wandering around. Mainly we went to Joe Louis Arena for HockeyFest. It was kind of neat. First we walked around the outer area where the concession stands are (photo ops!). There was all sorts of stuff to do down in the arena. They had mini-arenas set up so kids could play goalie (in full goalie pads, too) and have whiffle balls shot at them; see how hard you could slap the puck, all sorts of fun stuff. They had a band playing a bunch of cover songs, too. We went back to where they had past players giving autographs, but we'd never heard of the guy there. We even got to tour the locker room! That was pretty neat. The tunnel is awesome!
I got Kronwall'd
Stanley! Stanley! Stanley!
Us & Al
Outside the Olympia Club underneath the stands
Randy on the Zamboni!
Us on the bench.
Leaving the locker room to the tunnel to the ice.
It was generally a very neat day. I enjoyed my birthday very much. The weather was perfect, we got to sit and watch freighters go by on the Detroit River, we strolled the Riverwalk again. Nice. I almost was able to forget that I turned 36, even tho my boss thought I wasn't even 30 yet. She just apparently can't add, or she forgot I was in the Navy for 8 years. I'll take it as a compliment. Oh yeah, Randy got ne a nice new radio for my car. A Yaesau FT-7900 R/E dual bander. I'm going to like it. I actually read the manual and figured out all the buttons & stuff. I'm going to have him mount a mobile speaker on my dashboard so I can hear it better.
So we're officially on vacation now. We'll both go back to the grind on the 9th. Monday the 7th is Labor Day, and Tuesday the 8th is Angel's first day of Junior High ~ sniff ~. I have to be home for that! We have some ideas of what we're going to do, but nothing concrete. Like the Henry Ford Museum, Greenfield Village and the Renaissance Festival. Jim, AB8JR is going to come over one night to help put an antenna on the roof. Then that's probably about all. Angel has orientation at school on Wednesday evening, so we won't wander far that day. But first order of business tomorrow morning - grocery shopping. I cleaned out the fridge tonight & it's pretty empty. Yay.
I took some time off Weight Watchers. My current membership was up, so instead of renewing right away, I decided to wait for a couple weeks. I'll go back on the 10th. The reasoning behind this is for me to recharge and get my head back in the game (cue High School Musical song). Then I'll go back in there all refreshed and ready to get back on track. My leader told us one night just recently that she'd had a woman who'd lost 100 pounds come in and pretend like she was starting WW for the very first time - just to break a plateau. I thought about it and it's a good idea. I've been getting way too complascent. It's funny that now I can see little things that have already become a habit! Not a bad thing at all!
Alrighty then. I need to go put some sheets on the bed and hop in the shower before crawling in them, so I need to take off! Later all!