
Saturday, May 4, 2013

13 in 13 update

 First of all - I post this with pride! 
My 2nd consecutive challenge with 3 blogs.  I feel I did better this time, since I had all posts ~completed~ and pre-scheduled to post ahead of time.  Last year I forgot to actually write a post for "L" on 2 blogs and basically posted a letter.  This year, also for the letter "L", my posts were LATE!  But still on the correct day so it's OK. 

In a day or two (or maybe later today), I'll be linking up my Reflections post with all the rest of the participants.

Now, onto the nitty-gritty. 

An update on my goals.....

1. rededicate myself to WW - eh. I didn't go to this week's meeting since it is TOM and I just felt gross and really didn't want to face the scale.  But as you can see below, I've tracked 100%.  even with last weekend's smorgasbord of food in the dressing room at Angel's comp.  I controlled myself this time!

2. post eTools progress report weekly = check!  here is my monthly overall progress report. 

I'm loving those Activity Points! 
And last week's. 

3. earn at least 15 WW activity points weekly - this is going GREAT!  April 3 I picked up one of the WW Activelink activity monitors & have been wearing it faithfully.  This first week was an assessment, then it set me recommended daily goal of 3 Activity Points (above the 3 AP baseline) I've averaged 99%, 99% and 100% the past 3 weeks.

4. use my waist & arm / thigh trimmers while doing DVDs or Wii Fit - Meh.  I haven't used the DVDs much since it's getting warm = walking the dog! I've done Wii Yoga a few times, but it was more for the pinched nerve / pulled muscle (whatever caused the pain) than exercise.  The stretching helped.  And a co-worker and I have been going out walking around the building at work.  5 laps is about a mile.

5. plan meals weekly - check!  Adding more grill-ables to the menu.  Why does food taste better cooked outside??

6. eat more / new veggies every week = check on the more , not so hot on the new.  I've been getting the frozen steamer packs & taking them for lunch.  They're fairly low points & tasty.  

7. be a better blogger - I think check!  See above about the A-z Challenge.

8. spend at least 15 minutes per day straightening up my house- eh. It hasn't been 15 minutes a day.  Randy just told me that he was going to rent a dumpster again over Memorial Day weekend. This seems to be an annual thing lately.  The first time we did this, we got a 22 foot long dumpster and had it 3/4 filled from mainly the garage!  The last couple years have been the 6 foot deep, car sized ones. I already know quite a few things I want to toss in it!  Randy is a bit of a packrat & it kills him to get rid of things.  I need to send him away for an hour or two while its here and go to town!

9. make time for ME!! for exercise & meetings  This one has been tough.  I just went to weigh in last week and didn't even go this week.  I'm having a hard time to get motivated to DO anything.  I'm having a lot of mental issues, feeling sorry for myself, etc. 

10. find plans & designs for holiday displays (tomato cage trees / MGC fence / potion book)  I did get out there to do a sketch up of the front yard, now I have to figure out placement, since where I put the fence will determine how much fence I need.  Oh and I got a neat box that looks like a book, with the thought to put loops in it to hold tiny potion bottles. 

11. work on RACES certification - a big fat NO!  I'm thinking once all the chaos involved with the girl & her dance stuff  (comps / pictures / recital) settles down, I'll be able to take more time & maybe sit out on the patio in the sunshine and study. 


13. wean myself off pop - I'm still around 2 cans per day. 

Rebecca’s April Challenge - Finances!  I've been spending less for frivolous stuff, but making up for it at the dance studio.  I've had to replace jazz shoes (her old ones are 3 years old and stretched out, so justified), several pairs of tights for competitions, the last costume came in, etc, etc, etc. 

I think I'm going to keep all my goals the same for May.   And the Big Challenge is to Be The Inspiration.  Hmmm, this is going to be a tough one! I don't have any ideas as of yet as to what I will do, but I'll figure it out!