Well, I did the Fast 3 Mile walk with Leslie Sansone on Monday. Tuesday and this morning. That woman is annoying, so next time I may choose the music only option for the walk. She just runs her trap the whole time. If it was about the workout, it would be fine, but it's not. She rambles about nothing in general.
So, luckily we don't have to deal with any Christmas parties this year. Tonight we're probably going out to dinner somewhere, then to church. The rest of the night we'll probably watch an appropriate Christmas movie (and I have 94% fat free popcorn!) Sometime tomorrow we'll head up to Frankenmuth for the night. The fried chicken at Zehnders will be my major landmine to avoid. But we'll be going to the water park, so I'll make sure I do some serious swimming. It'll be a treat!
That looks to be my major hurdle this next week. I'll keep doing my walks, and maybe do the Belly Dance one a time or two. I really want to get a couple other Latin dance DVDs. Those would be fun!
Merry Christmas!